What is CAMRA?

CAMRA, the Campaign for Real Ale, is an independent, voluntary organisation campaigning for quality real ale, community pubs and consumer rights.

Formed in 1971, CAMRA has about 150000 members throughout the UK. CAMRA supports well-run pubs as the centres of community life, whether in rural or urban areas and believes their continued existence plays a critical social role in UK culture.

CAMRA is financed by membership subscriptions, sales of books and merchandise and proceeds from national and local beer festivals.

Our branch, initially set up almost 40 years ago, has over 550 members, making us the third largest branch in Scotland. Geographically our branch covers the South-western corner of Scotland, including the Isles of Arran and Cumbrae and has over 50 real ale outlets and four real ale breweries. In addition to committee and bi-monthly branch meetings, four geographical social groups within the branch meet regularly. Our annual real ale festival, held in Troon during October, continues to flourish, with over 2,000 visitors over three days.

You can find out more about CAMRA nationally here.