Beer Festival Guidelines for Pubs/Clubs

Some pubs/clubs have sought our help and/or guidance in organising and running beer festivals. Guidelines designed to clarify how the Ayrshire & Wigtownshire CAMRA branch may assist you are shown below. You can find a printable version of these guidelines here

Pre-festival Organisation

  • We can offer advice
  • We may be able assist you (subject to volunteer availability)
  • We cannot organise the festival for you


  • We cannot arrange the venue


  • We cannot assist in any way with finance


  • We can offer advice
  • We can promote your festival via our branch our website and social media.
  • We may be able to promote your festival via our quarterly magazine (dependent on timing).
  • We cannot arrange publicity

Beer Order

  • We can give advice.
  • We can provide you with contacts for suppliers.


  • We can give advice.
  • We can only loan taps, handpumps, etc. (subject to availability), but only if the event is held in association with CAMRA.
  • We can provide you with contacts for stillage suppliers.
  • We may be able to loan you stillage (subject to availability), but only if the bar is set up and staffed by  CAMRA volunteers.
  • We cannot loan stillage, taps and handpumps only.
  • We cannot loan bars, tables, chairs, etc.
  • We cannot arrange for transport from/to storage to/from the festival venue.

Setting Up

  • We may be able to set up the stillage, beer, bar, etc. (subject to volunteer availability)
  • We cannot set up any other aspects of the venue 


  • We may be able to staff the bar (subject to volunteer availability)
  • We cannot staff any other apects of the festival e.g. entry


  • We may be able to dismantle the bar, stillage, etc. (subject to volunteer availability)
  • We cannot dismantle any other aspects of the festival
  • We cannot arrange for empty cask collection.


CAMRA reserves the right to withdraw from any festival, at any time, if we feel appropriate standards are not being met.

What We Expect From You

Dependent on the level of our involvement, we expect you to:

  • Promote CAMRA and real ale during and beyond the festival.
  • Provide us with resources (usually a table and some chairs) so that we may promote CAMRA, particularly membership, during the festival.
  • Arrange for free or discounted food and drink for CAMRA volunteers
  • Provide us with a donation to recognise our assistance and expertise.  This to be 10% of the bar profit or £150, whichever is the higher, in addition to the insurance premium to CAMRA.